VQ Thematic Sectors
Our thematic expertise spans across three key areas, Economic, Social, and Environment & Climate Change.
Social Development
At Vision Quest, our core philosophy revolves around forging cross-sector partnerships fueled by a steadfast commitment to enhancing the welfare of citizens. To realize this objective, we engage with government bodies to formulate policies, launch initiatives, and create programs dedicated to empowering communities. Furthermore, we collaborate with non- governmental organizations to develop interventions grounded in empirical data, fostering support for marginalized communities, and advancing social
integration. Our partnerships with civil society groups are geared toward championing social equity and upholding human rights, while our associations with academic and research establishments concentrate on propelling knowledge and fostering innovation.
We also engage with private sector partners to execute initiatives in corporate social responsibility, promote sustainable business models, and encourage responsible investment practices.
Economic Development
We understand that Economic Development means laying a foundation for sustainable economic growth and equitable distribution. In order to realise inclusive economic growth, we provide services that seek to enhance innovation and job creation, growth and resilience, increasing the economic and social prosperity of citizens by adopting an integrated approach to development that improves the livelihoods of people.
We understand that Economic Development cuts across other sectors and therefore we tailor our approaches to get a holistic overview and develop sustainable solutions.
Our thematic areas include; Sector and Cluster Development, Innovation, Resilience Modelling, Peace and Security, Food Security Livelihoods, Entrepreneurship, Advocacy Strategies and Campaigns, Diagnostic Assessments, Market Surveys, Knowledge Management Strategy Development and Implementation, Strengthening of Organizational Systems, Financial Sector Development, Governance, Evaluation and Learning.
Environment & Climate Change
We offer a holistic approach to advancing sustainability in the natural environment. We take a people-centred approach to the integration of conservation of the natural resource base (water, soil, trees and local biodiversity), adaptive resource management, integrated natural resource management, and development to overcome poverty, hunger and disease.
We are committed to supporting our partners with evidence-based solutions for environmental developments that foster a sustainable future and lead to positive social and economic impacts.
Our thematic areas include; Environmental Audit, Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP), Resettlement Action Planning (RAP), Data-driven Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation Solutions, Hazardous Substances Survey, GIS & GPS Survey, Hydro-geological Survey, Ecological Assessments and Restoration,Designing Comprehensive Conservation Plans (CCPs), Community-based NaturalResources Management Plans including Women in Nature (WIN) Strategy, Soil and Water Conservation Systems Analysis and Design, Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) and Development of Environmental Best Management Practices (BMPs).